Tai Pawb's member only EDI network. A safe, informal space for members to network with other people within the housing sector to share good practice and get support on any equality matter they or their organisation are working on.

EDI Connect | Cyswllt EDI
A Community of Practice


For membership year 2024/25, Tai Pawb is delighted to be continuing with our EDI network exclusively for members, EDI Connect.





Its inception has been shaped by member feedback for a safe, informal space for members to network with other people within the housing sector to share good practice and get support on any equality matter they or their organisation are working on.  There are also standard agenda items like Anti Racism Wales Action Plan (ARWAP), Deeds Not words, LGBTQ+ Action Plan and other sector wide matters that the network identifies.  Tai Pawb also use the network as a listening space to continually shape and review our work and the support it provides to members.


The network is chaired by a member, and we have been fortunate enough to have the amazing Jan Bell.

image-20230306164009-1.pngJan is Head of Specialist Housing and Supporting People at United Welsh and has worked in homelessness and support since 1992. Her 30 years’ experience has given Jan a broad and in-depth knowledge of housing and support issues, and she is a strong advocate for both staff and residents in the sector. Jan has a passion for Equality and Inclusion which led her to be on the Board of Tai Pawb for 9 years where she was both Vice Chair and Chair. She now Chairs the EDI group for United Welsh and continues to be a strong advocate for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion within the sector. In her spare time Jan loves to swim and walk her rescue dogs, as well as watch lots of football in the cold as her youngest daughter is a keen player.

If you have any questions or would like to make suggestions for agenda items/topics please contact info@taipawb.org / 029 2105 7957



October 17th, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM