Enable and support at least one tenant/staff member/colleague to speak at an event
The Idea
How many times have you been invited to speak at an event or run a workshop? How many times have you looked at the agenda and thought you are seeing the same faces all over again? You may be responsible for organising events yourself and may be looking for ideas on who to invite to speak.
This pledge could mean taking somebody along with you, to help you deliver a workshop or a presentation. You could also suggest to the organisers that somebody from an underrepresented group is invited to speak at an external event. You may be organising an event yourself and consider inviting and supporting somebody who isn’t usually represented, to speak. This might be somebody who is:
- A colleague/tenant/customer/service user
- Younger or Older
- Female or Male
- Disabled
- Black or from Minority Ethnic Background
- Gay or Lesbian
- Trans*
- From a particular religious background
- Ex-offender
- Underprivileged socio-economic background
- Any other group which you think deserves to be represented or supported but isn’t
More Information
Many job specifications will want applicants to be able to demonstrate an ability to speak in public. If somebody is trying to make a ‘step up’ into their first leadership role, being able to demonstrate experience in public speaking and presenting is essential.
Enabling diverse people to speak in public can also promote positive role models, change stereotypical ideas of what a leader looks like and increase people’s confidence and aspirations.
What happens next?
How to pledge
- Download the pledge sheet
- Tweet (#leaderlikeme) your picture and commitment to this pledge
- What happens next?
- Complete your pledge by June 2017
- We will contact you throughout the year to see how you are getting on and to collect examples of good practice
- We will share and promote the best examples with the housing sector and wider stakeholders
- We will keep you up to date with the progress of the campaign
Need help?
If you need help or support with completing the action you pledged, please get in touch with us via leaderlikeme@taipawb.org
Not on twitter?
Email us your pledge photo and we will tweet it leaderlikeme@taipawb.org