Become a Member or Renew Membership

Please complete the form below. If you have any questions, please contact us:

For more information about different membership categories and fees, click here.

* = essential field.

Invoices for membership will be issued during the first two weeks of April using the instructions given by you below.

    Your Organisation

    If applying as an individual Supporter, please skip this section

    Which areas of Wales do you cover?

    Lead Contact

    We will use the contact details below to fulfil the membership contract, including provision of membership benefits such as newsletters, updates and marketing of events and services to the lead contact.

    Equality Diversity and Inclusion Contact

    We will use the contact details below to fulfil the membership contract, including provision of membership benefits such as newsletters, updates and marketing of events and services to the lead contact.

    Learning and Development Contact

    We will use the contact details below to fulfil the membership contract, including provision of membership benefits such as newsletters, updates and marketing of events and services to the lead contact.

    Communications Contact

    We will use the contact details below to fulfil the membership contract, including provision of membership benefits such as newsletters, updates and marketing of events and services to the lead contact.


    Please read our Membership Terms and Conditions before submitting this form.

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