


Tai Pawb Response to Welsh Government White Paper on Homelessness

Tai Pawb welcome the proposals and support the ambition in the Welsh Government White Paper to end homelessness in Wales. We were proud that our research which captured experiences of homelessness of people with protected characteristics was featured so heavily in the White Paper, influencing some of the recommendations. To be successful, it’s essential that … Continued


Anti-Racist Wales Social Housing Baseline Survey: Key Findings

Today, we have published the results of the social housing sector baseline survey which aimed to gather data in areas including staff diversity, the development of organisational anti-racism plans and take-up of training.   In June 2022 Welsh Government published its Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (ARWAP), setting out the actions it will take to make … Continued



Right to housing to feature as ‘due regard’ duty in new bill

Tai Pawb, together with its partners CIH Cymru, Shelter Cymru and Dr Simon Hoffman (Swansea University) has welcomed a government commitment to partly introduce ‘right to adequate housing’ into Welsh law. Yesterday (November 19), Minister for Housing and Local Government, Julie James, confirmed to Assembly Members that the right to adequate housing will feature as … Continued


Tai Pawb reacts to Minister’s response on Affordable Housing Review

The Minister for Housing and Local Government, Julie James AM, has responded formally to the recommendations of the Independent Review of Affordable Housing Supply. Reacting to the Minister’s response, Tai Pawb’s director, Alicja Zalesinska, said: “Tai Pawb is broadly pleased that the Minister has set out an ambitious programme for affordable housing in accepting all-but-one … Continued


What Happens to your EU National Tenants?

The UK Government intends to leave the EU on 29 March 2019, but how will this affect your tenants from the EU? In theory, the options are fairly straightforward, though of course things will become trickier for those with more complicated circumstances. According to the UK Government’s ‘EU Settlement Scheme: Statement of Intent‘: EU citizens … Continued

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