Enable a tenant to lead on at least one project

The Idea

Leadership is not only about being a team leader, a department leader, manager or director. Being a leader can be about taking the lead on a project or an initiative. We would encourage you to empower your tenants and residents to take the lead. Take a good look at your tenant participation, engagement or volunteering opportunities and the diversity of those who become involved. Could you involve someone who is:


  • A colleague/tenant/customer/service user
  •  Younger or Older
  • Female or Male
  • Disabled
  • Black or from Minority Ethnic Background
  • Gay or Lesbian
  •  Trans*
  • From a particular religious background
  • Ex-offender
  • Underprivileged socio-economic background
  • Any other group which you think deserves to be represented or supported but isn’t


A project could mean anything from organising an event, through coordinating tenant feedback on your website, to consulting other tenants on an issue.

Information and support

If you are struggling to engage diverse tenants, TPAS Cymru and Tai Pawb offer a course on engaging with underrepresented groups, contact info@taipawb.org or enquiries@tpascymru.org.uk.
Contact TPAS or Welsh Tenants for general information/support on tenant leadership, engagement and participation enquiries@tpascymru.org.uk or info@welshtenants.org.uk
Tai Pawb may also help you to practically engage with local diverse community groups, info@taipawb.org.



What happens next?

How to pledge

  • Download the pledge sheet
  • Tweet (#leaderlikeme) your picture and commitment to this pledge
  • What happens next?
  • Complete your pledge by June 2017
  • We will contact you throughout the year to see how you are getting on and to collect examples of good practice
  • We will share and promote the best examples with the housing sector and wider stakeholders
  • We will keep you up to date with the progress of the campaign


Need help?

If you need help or support with completing the action you pledged, please get in touch with us via leaderlikeme@taipawb.org


Not on twitter?

Email us your pledge photo and we will tweet it leaderlikeme@taipawb.org

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