Statement on behalf of ‘Back the Bill’ partners following submission of consultation response to ‘Securing a path towards a right to adequate housing’

Statement on behalf of ‘Back the Bill’ partners following submission of consultation response to ‘Securing a path towards a right to adequate housing’
September 2023
Back the Bill partners welcome the opportunity of having submitted a response to the Welsh Government’s recent Green Paper and call for evidence. While disappointed with the framing of the paper and the lack of focus on the right to adequate housing, our response takes account of the extensive research we have commissioned over the last two years, including an international comparison exercise and a cost-benefit analysis showing significant savings to the public purse.
Housing must appear higher in public policy priorities if we are to address our long-standing housing crisis as quickly as we are able. While ambitious reforms are underway to homelessness provision, together with decarbonisation and retrofit, we currently lack a legally-grounded, coherent framework and cross tenure, long term strategy for suitable homes for all in Wales. A right to adequate housing can helpfully underpin different strands of work while driving additional resource for providers – alongside increased accountability and scrutiny at a national level. In so doing, we can turbo-charge supply, boost standards, prevent poor outcomes and end homelessness altogether.
We believe that Wales can lead the way in the adoption of an invest-to-save, human rights-based housing strategy and will continue making a strong case for the introduction of a right to adequate housing at the earliest possible opportunity. Everyone in Wales can, over time, have a home that is safe, suits their needs and one that they can afford.
Next week will see the Senedd debate the Local Government and Housing Committee report into incorporating the right to adequate housing in Wales. During the day, we’ll be highlighting the four key changes we feel are needed to realise the right to adequate housing in Wales as well as responding to the debate.
You can read our full green paper response here: Back the Bill response to the Green Paper Consultation