
Rental Health Summit Event

Read on to find out more about the event and why we’re working in partnership with TPAS Cymru around private sector tenants’ mental health. It’s well acknowledged historically that tenants in the private rental sector have access to less support than social tenants.  We already know that people with a mental health problem are 50% … Continued


Tai Pawb Launches ‘Ready for Housing’ Framework

Tai Pawb Launches Ready for Housing Framework and Evaluation Paper on Comic Relief Funded Project  In 2021, Tai Pawb embarked on a project to raise awareness among housing providers, build the capacity of refugee organisations in housing support, and increase the availability of housing for refugees and asylum seekers asked to leave Home Office accommodation. … Continued


Housing people seeking sanctuary in Wales

Today we are privileged to have a guest blog from Dr Anna Lindley, sharing their thoughtful analysis on the difficulties faced by refugees and people seeking asylum, and the organisations providing support. This blog will be followed by the publishing of Dr. Lindley’s full report: Building a Nation of Sanctuary – Tai Pawb on the … Continued


The Outside Project: Providing LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces and Support

Part one of a blog series on LGBTQ+ Homelessness The Outside Project: Providing LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces and Support   In 2022, Tai Pawb, alongside Trans Aid Cymru and Dr Neil Turnbull (Cardiff University), delivered research commissioned by all five Gwent local authorities to understand LGBTQ+ experiences of homelessness in Gwent. The research took into consideration … Continued



Our New Work Placement: Jill

My name is Jillian Wadley, I have joined Tai Pawb as a work placement as part of my degree in Housing Policy and Practice at Cardiff Metropolitan University. I was excited to start work with Tai Pawb as i’m passionate about working in equalities, and my project will make a positive difference to people’s lives. … Continued


Sisters, Act!

We all want active, diverse tenant participation in the social housing sector, and there are some incredible teams, schemes, and of course tenants across Wales leading the way. However, at Tai Pawb we wanted to know what really made these volunteers and community leaders tick. We noticed that female engagement is generally very good, but … Continued


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