Tai Pawb Strategy Released

Written by Alicja Zalesinska

Over the past twelve months we have worked with our members and stakeholders to develop our strategic plan. We believe it will help us address key housing equality issues in Wales and help us develop as an organisation.

I would like to thank all Tai Pawb members and contributors for their invaluable views and opinions which formed the basis for this document, setting the direction for Tai Pawb for the forthcoming four years.

The near future is unprecedented in terms of the challenging social, economic and political context for our operation. However, it is also hugely exciting for Tai Pawb with brand new services such as the QED Award, cutting edge projects such as Open Doors and a renewed staff structure.

These four years will also be markedly different to us in terms of moving beyond working within the policy frameworks on the Equality Act and Human Rights legislation.

We will increasingly engage with devolved legislation and structures such as the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act, Public Service Boards, relevant commissions and commissioners, and last but not least the Welsh Government objectives and aspirations of ‘Prosperity for All’.

We look forward to working with the Welsh Government, our members, stakeholders and communities to inspire Wales to be a fairer place to live.

Please take a moment to read our Strategy 2017-2021 below.

Tai Pawb Strategy
Strategaeth Tai Pawb

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