
Rental Health Summit Event

Read on to find out more about the event and why we’re working in partnership with TPAS Cymru around private sector tenants’ mental health. It’s well acknowledged historically that tenants in the private rental sector have access to less support than social tenants.  We already know that people with a mental health problem are 50% … Continued


Tai Pawb Launches ‘Ready for Housing’ Framework

Tai Pawb Launches Ready for Housing Framework and Evaluation Paper on Comic Relief Funded Project  In 2021, Tai Pawb embarked on a project to raise awareness among housing providers, build the capacity of refugee organisations in housing support, and increase the availability of housing for refugees and asylum seekers asked to leave Home Office accommodation. … Continued


Inclusive Language Creates Inclusive Workplaces

Inclusive Language Creates Inclusive Workplaces Language is one of the most powerful tools we possess. It’s integral to our everyday life and is essential if everyone is to feel welcome, understood and have a sense of belonging.   Engagement with our members tells us that a large number of colleagues are sometimes unsure if they … Continued




Tai Pawb launches new Equality Impact Assessment toolkit

Tai Pawb has launched a Brand New Toolkit to assist housing organisations in undertaking equality impact assessments. The toolkit has been produced to give guidance on a process which many housing organisations have found to be challenging. Tai Pawb used feedback from housing providers to devise a toolkit which uses a step-by-step process to create a … Continued

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