
Commentary, in-depth features and case studies on the hottest topics in equality, diversity and housing from Tai Pawb experts, our members and guests.  See what’s important to us and join the debate.

10th July 2024
A new political direction for the UK – What happens next for Wales?
After nearly a week since the General Election, the dust has settled on a Labour majority at Westminster. A campaign focused on ‘change’ – but when so much of policy,...
3rd September 2018
What Happens to your EU National Tenants?
The UK Government intends to leave the EU on 29 March 2019, but how will this affect your tenants from the EU? In theory, the options are fairly straightforward, though...
10th July 2018
GDPR, Equality Data and Housing: A Quick Guide
It’s been difficult lately to attend a meeting or event and not hear those four little letters - G D P R at some point during the day. As our...
18th April 2016
Community relations and the increase in racist incidents following EU Referendum
Here in Tai Pawb we believe strongly that our members in Wales are leading the way in their commitment to equality, diversity and social justice. Social housing organisations have a...
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