Acessible Housing

In October 2020 we published  Accessible Social Housing in Gwent: A review of allocation systems. This comprehensive research, builds on our 2019  paper for Welsh Government on Accessible Housing Registers. It  reviews the allocation of adapted and accessible social housing in the five Gwent local authorities. The research involved almost 200 disabled people and practitioners across housing, health and social care. 

This research aimed to review the effectiveness of social housing allocations policy practice in relation to accessible social housing in Gwent. It sought to increase the understanding of processes and approaches towards meeting the requirements of disabled people and other people with access requirements applying
for social housing.

The research makes links between allocations practice and policy and other areas relevant to meeting the housing and other needs of disabled people: adaptations and housing development as well as services offered by health and social care.

The study  considered the following elements:
• Application processes
• Assessment of needs
• Categorisation of applicants and properties
• Matching and allocation processes
• The role, skills and understanding of practitioners across housing, health and social care
• Partnerships and joint working
• Links between allocation, adaptations, strategy and development
• Applicant communication, engagement, transparency and support
• Costs and benefits

The study, carried out in partnership with Disability Wales and Paul Bevan,

The report makes 23 recommendations aimed at improving allocations and wider housing, health and social care policy and practice.


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Read the executive summary WORD



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