
Tai Pawb responds to a wide variety of consultations to ensure the voice of the housing sector and equality considerations are taken into consideration by decision and policy makers both in Wales and the wider UK.

Open Consultations:

As a membership organisation it is important that we reflect your views, ideas, and thoughts in our consultation responses.  Below you will find information about the latest consultations we are responding to. We would like to hear your thoughts on these consultations. Please contact our Head of Policy and Communications at or call 029 2105 7957  to contribute.

Previous Consultations:

Here you are able to read our most recently submitted consultation responses.  Older consultations responses are not listed on this page but if you would like a copy of one of our older consultation responses please contact us at or call 029 2105 7957.

How Tai Pawb influences at a strategic level:

In addition to responding to consultations and submitting evidence Tai Pawb is a member of key Welsh housing strategy and policy groups.  We have listed below some of these to give you a better idea of some of the other ways we influence policy and practice at a strategic level.

  • Cross Party Housing Group
  • Cross Party Group on Disability
  • Cross Party Gypsy and Traveller Group
  • Housing Information Group
  • Homelessness Strategy Working Group
  • Rough Sleepers Cymru
  • Welsh Refugee Coalition
  • Migrantion Stakeholders Group
  • Welsh Housing Policy Network

If you would like any more information about our involvement with Welsh housing strategy and policy groups, or would like to invite us to become a member of a group you coordinate then please contact us at or call 029 2105 7957.

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