Tackling racism and hate crime

Social housing organisations have an important role to play in tackling hate crime. Racially motivated crimes represent vast majority of hate crimes recorded by the police in England and Wales. 


How does this link to the refreshed Anti-racist Wales Action Plan? 

The Refreshed ARWAP has amplified its expectations on hate crime, to include: 


  • Providing tenants with information on how to report incidents of hate crime 
  • Reviewing standards and guidance, to prevent racial discrimination and hate crime  


What you need to know 

Please visit our Hate Crime Toolkit page for an up to date guidance on tackling hate crime for housing organisations. The toolkit includes:

  • Hate Crime policy checklist: to support housing organisations in developing and reviewing their policies
  • Awareness videos: to support organisations in increasing awareness amongst staff and tenants
  • Step by step guidance about each element of the hate crime policy checklist above.



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