Engaging Ethnically Diverse Communities

Engagement with ethnically diverse communities and tenants is crucial to understanding their housing experiences and needs. All too often, ethnically diverse communities are considered ‘hard-to-reach’. This page provides advice on how to overcome perceived engagement barriers.


How does this link to the refreshed Anti-racist Wales Action Plan?

The Refreshed ARWAP asks housing providers to: 

  1. actively take steps to improve communication and engagement with ethnic minority people by prioritising their lived experiences and amplifying their voices in service delivery. 
  1. Continue implementing and monitoring revised regulatory standard (housing associations) on tackling racism and discrimination: ‘measurable commitments to equality, diversity and inclusion, and board diversity’ (RS1c and RS3b) 
  1. Ensure information, advice and advocacy in relation to accessing homes meets needs of ethnic minority people (inc. Gypsies and Travellers, ethnic minority women, asylum seekers, refugees) 
  1. Use new LHMA process and guidance focused on better understanding housing needs of ethnic minority people. 


To view all actions in this section, click here 


What you need to know

  • There are no ‘hard-to-reach’ communities. The term implies blame on communities themselves rather than questioning lack of accessibility. Read more about it here. 
  • Local authorities and other public authorities in Wales have a legal duty to engage with diverse people.  See guidance from ERHC. 


What you can do 

Engaging with ethnically diverse communities requires thoughtful consideration and cultural sensitivity. Here are some important considerations:

Learn More

  • Communicating Housing Information to Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  • You can find plenty of resources on how to better engage with all diverse communities here
  • Tai Pawb and Public Health Wales produced a Roadmap for Inclusive Co-production based on a project co-produced with refugees with plenty of tips for inclusive engagement. Check it out. 
  • Should you include race in alt text? Watch this discussion about race when describing people in alt text: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCcsp7BUsCk

Tenant App in CCHA


Vaccine Pop-ups at CCHA



Supporting Community Groups CCHA


Supporting ethnic minority community groups – Wales and West Housing

In 2023, Wales and West Housing pledged financial support for two charities advocating for and providing support to ethnic minority communities.

EYST (Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team) Wales and BMHS (Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Mental Health Support) will each receive £10,000 per year for three consecutive years.

Read more here


We are looking for case studies on this topic. Can your organisation share their Engaging ethnically diverse communities example? Contact simon@taipawb.org

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