A digital first as Newydd embarks on QED

 Jason Wroe, CEO of Newydd

Tai Pawb is thrilled to announce that Newydd Housing Association is the latest social landlord in Wales to embark on its QED journey. Moreover, it will be the first to undertake the initial stage of QED entirely digitally, helping Tai Pawb test and develop online platforms for group discussions and information collection.

Newydd’s recently-appointed Chief Executive, Jason Wroe, said:

Newydd Housing Association has always had diversity at the heart of the organisation and has had equality as one of its values for many years. There has been support from the tenants to ensure equality has been a fundamental part of tenant involvement for many years, with the NEADS (Newydd Equality and Diversity Sub group) leading the way in combining tenant, staff and Board views and ensuring equality remained high on the agenda. 

“However, it was always difficult to accurately assess the impact of the equality work, particularly across the wider organisation until QED came about. QED gives Newydd the opportunity to reassess our approach to equality and diversity and to measure the impact, giving us a framework to relaunch the NEADs Group and refocus efforts across the whole organisation to improve the services for everyone.”

Tai Pawb is looking forward to working with Newydd – its senior leadership, staff and tenants – finding out about all the great practice already happening across the organisation and developing an action plan to put inclusivity and diversity at the heart of its work. If your organisation is interested in undertaking QED then contact us at info@taipawb.org or visit our QED page.
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