Anti-racist Wales Action Plan – our shared responsibility

Written by Alicja Zalesinska


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On 7th June, Welsh Government launched its Anti-racist Wales Action Plan – a historic and highly ambitious plan and vision for Wales. In this blog we consider the challenge and practice we can build on. 

Tai Pawb was pleased to support the development of Anti-racist Wales Action Plan, helping both Welsh Government and our members consider the opportunities it offers. The plan is challenging – and rightly so.

The Welsh public and social sector – housing included – prides itself on being values-based but to date, the plan highlights, these values have not been translated into long term, sustainable and tangible change which could be seen on a Wales-wide scale. This has certainly been the message from hundreds of Black, Asian and ethnic minority people who co-created the plan.

The challenge

From a housing perspective, we know bluntly that we need to be better at this; to work harder and differently, if we are to turn those values into actions with real impact. This will require a concerted commitment and effort, coupled with investment of time and resource. As a sector, we want to look at this plan in 10 years’ time and be proud of what we have achieved. And there is a lot to focus on:

In the past year or so we have seen some positive changes and Anti-racist Wales Plan gives us the opportunity and impetus to strengthen our resolve and commitment – so that our words translate into actions and sustainable change; change that is supported and championed by leaders in every organisation. This must be felt and experienced by our ethnic minority colleagues, tenants and communities in every corner of Wales.

What we can build on

There are positive signs of progress from policy and practice initiatives and we need to share, replicate and build on some of this great work:

Tai Pawb is committed to building a better and more inclusive Wales. So let’s keep the momentum gained in the past two years and do everything we can to help build an Anti-racist Wales together.

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Get involved

If you work in housing, are from a racially minoritised background and would like to contribute to influencing change:



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