Equality Impact Assessment Support

Tai Pawb has a wealth of experience in delivering equality impact assessment support to housing providers in Wales.

“Assessing impact, responding to the challenge, making a difference”

An Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) is a process:

  • That enables you to actively think about the impact of decisions, policies, practices and service areas on protected groups/ characteristics.
  • That is informed by the gathering of evidence to help identify potential barriers and impacts on protected groups/ characteristics.
  • That enables you to identify and remove potential barriers and negative impacts through developing actions in response.
  • Helps you prevent discrimination, comply with the public sector equality duties and when carried out effectively lead to service improvements.

How Tai Pawb can support you with equality impact assessments:

Help an organisation develop a prioritisation framework for assessments

Delivering facilitation of Equality Impact Assessment sessions

Carry out desk top policy reviews of policies and documents of the area being impact assessed to feed into the assessment

Identifying sources of external information to inform the assessment to supplement your internal data

Collation of relevant external information

Helping with the design of engagement questions

Providing guidance and assistance with developing a post-Equality Impact Assessment action plan and potential mitigating actions.

Providing feedback on completed Equality Impact Assessment forms, reports and action plans

Please note we also provide Equality Impact Assessment training specifically tailored for the housing sector and have developed an Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit and EIA Template Form.


For further information on how we can support you with Equality Impact Assessments please contact info@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.

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