Equality Strategies and Schemes

What are equality schemes and strategies?

Equality Schemes and Strategies set out the strategic aims and objectives of your organisation on equality and diversity. They should demonstrate the actions you intend to undertake to ensure these aims and objectives turn into a reality. It is beneficial to take an outcomes focused approach to the development of the strategy, scheme and associated action plan. An equality scheme or strategy needs to cover all the protected characteristics identified in the Equality Act 2010: Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment (Gender Identity), Pregnancy and Maternity, Marriage and Civil Partnerships, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex and Sexual Orientation. The strategy or scheme should be informed by engagement and analysis of equality data and information and have an action plan attached.

Why it matters?

Enables your organisation to take a strategic approach and plan what actions are needed in relation to Equality.

Identify actions for specific protected characteristics whose needs may have been overlooked in other policy areas.

Monitor progress and ensure you are achieving better outcomes for service users and employees.

Having equality objectives and strategic equality plans are a legal obligation for local authorities as listed bodies under the Welsh Specific Equality Duties.

Top tips:

It’s important to consider your baseline Where you are now? Where do you need to improve?

They should be informed by:
– The analysis of equality monitoring information relating to customers and employees.
–    Any actions that have come out of equality impact assessments.
–    Feedback from consultation with people within the equality groups, including staff, service users and external stakeholders.
–    Relevant research and good practice.

They need to contain high level strategic aims relating to each protected characteristic based on evidence.

They should always have an accompanying action plan which is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-related) and outcome focused.

Actions should be mainstreamed into other strategies and service area action plans.

Publish and promote them. Ensure that improvements and positive outcomes that have been achieved through the scheme, strategy and action plan are also published.

Ensure monitoring arrangements for the strategy or scheme is in place.


Accessing Member Resources

Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.


Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.

How Tai Pawb can help:

Feedback on the draft scheme and strategy and related action plan.

Facilitated workshops with staff and service users to assist in the development of the scheme, strategy and action plan

Assisting with the analysis of equality information to inform the document.


For further information or to discuss potential consultancy or training support please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.

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