Gender and housing
Below you will find useful resources and information on Gender and housing. We have a separate page with information relating to gender identity.
Accessing Members Resources
Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact or call 029 2053 7630
Tai Pawb Good Practice Briefings
Presentations from Tai Pawb Events:
Useful Information
- Research into how ‘NRPF’ status affects those experiencing gender based violence in Wales (Local Government Data Unit Wales, 2015)
- Domestic Abuse and Equality – Gypsy and Traveller Women (South East Wales Women’s Aid Consortium, 2010)
- Barriers Faced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Accessing Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment, and Sexual Violence Services (Welsh Government, 2014)
- The Right to Choose: Multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage (HM Government, 2014)
- Stronger Together, Guidance for Women’s Services on the inclusion of transgender women (LGBT Youth Scotland, Tayside Violence against women training consortium)
- Housing, Accommodation and vulnerable women (WEN Wales)
- Men, suicide and society (Samaritans, 2012)
- A Woman’s Place in Housing (Chwarae Teg, February 2016)
- Working Patterns in Wales: Gender, Occupations and Pay (Wave, 2014)
- Gender-neutral job evaluation schemes: an introduction guide (EHRC, 2014)
- Equal Pay Guidance from EHRC
- Maternity, paternity or Shared Parental Leave and pay employer toolkit from EHRC
Organisations that can provide further information
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resource.