Housing, Health and Equality
Below you will find useful resources and information on housing, health and equality considerations.
Accessing Member Resources
Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.
Tai Pawb Good Practice Briefings
- Mental Health Wellbeing and Housing (2014)
- Dementia Service Provision and Housing Design (2014)
- Disability Equality and Housing (2010)
Presentations from Tai Pawb events
- Hoarding and Clutter Workshop – Away with Clutter (2015)
- Mental Health and Housing – Antonia Forte (2015)
- Accessible Housing the role of the occupational therapist – College of Occupational Therapists (2013)
- Accessible Social Housing in Wales – a review of systems for assessment, recording and matching – Shelter Cymru and Disability Wales (2013)
- A standalone accessible housing register – Adapt Swansea (2013)
- Accessible Housing and Welfare Reform – Wales and West Housing Association (2013)
Useful Information
- Effective Strategies and Interventions: environmental health and the private housing sector (CIEH, 2013)
- Prevention through early intervention – Helping people with mental health problems to find and keep a home (Welsh Government)
- The cost of poor housing to the NHS (BRE)
- Housing Health and Safety Rating System Guidance for Landlords and Property Related Professionals (Department of Communities and Local Government, 2006)
- Housing and Health Evidence Review for Health Impact Assessments (HIA)(WHIASU)
- Health and Housing (CHC, Kafka Brigade)
- The impact of welfare reform on people’s health and wellbeing (The Welsh NHS Confederation Briefing, 2015)
- Dementia Equity and Rights (Race Equality Foundation)
- Improving the design of housing to assist people with dementia (DSDC, JIT, CIH, University of Sterling, 2013)
- Is your housing dementia friendly – EHE Environmental Assessment Tool (The King’s Fund, 2014)
- Good practice in the design of homes and living spaces for people with dementia and sight loss (University of Sterling)
- Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities and Dementia – where are we now? (Better Health Briefing, 2013)
- Housing pathways of disabled young people: evidence for policy and practice (Mackie, 2012)
- Hidden Housing Crisis (Leonard Cheshire, 2014)
- Accessible social housing in Wales: a review of systems for assessment, recording and matching (Welsh Government, 2013)
- A Review of Independent Living Adaptations (Welsh Government, 2015)
- Framework for Action on Independent Living (Welsh Government, 2013)
- Accessible social housing in Wales: a review of systems for assessment, recording and matching (Welsh Government, 2013)
- Domestic Abuse of Disabled Women in Wales Research (Disability Wales, 2011)
- Looking for an accessible home. Accessible Housing Registers in Wales (Disability Wales, 2009)
- In one place report (Continuing Health Care Task and Finish Group)
- Housing for people with a learning disability (Mencap, 2012)
- Personalisation for people from black and minority ethnic groups (Better Health Briefing)
- The health and social care experiences of black and minority ethnic older people (Better Health Briefing, 2008 )
- Travelling to Better Health, Policy Implementation Guidance for Healthcare Practitioners on working effectively with Gypsies and Travellers (Welsh Government, 2015)
- Working with older lesbian, gay and bisexual people A Guide for Care and Support Services (Stonewall)
- Assessing current and future housing and support options for older LGB people (Carr and Ross, JRF, 2013)
- Transgender Equality Report (House of Commons, Women and Equalities Committee, 2015)
- It’s just good care A guide for health staff caring for people who are trans*(NHS centre for Equality and Human Rights)
- Building a sense of community: Including older LGBT in the way we develop and deliver housing with care (Wathern, Housing Lin, 2013)
- Equality and diversity and older people with high support needs (Blood and Bamford, LLC and JRF, 2010)
- Housing and HIV (NAT, 2009)
- Carers Rights Guide 2016, Looking after someone (Carers Wales, 2016)
- Mental Health and Housing: A project to identify which types of supported accommodation successfully meet the needs of people with mental health problems in order to recommend effective housing solutions (Mental Health Foundation and MHPF, 2016)
- The Community Crisis House model An evaluation of Wales’ first crisis house (Gofal Cymru)
- Prevention through early intervention – Helping people with mental health problems to find and keep a home (Welsh Government)
- Mental Health and Debt 2016 (MoneySavingExpert.com, 2016)
- Care and Treatment Planning – A step-by-step guide for secondary mental health users (Hafal)
Organisations that can provide further information:
- Public Health Wales
- Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
- College of Occupational Therapists
- Community Housing Cymru
- Cymorth Cymru
- CIH Cymru
- The NHS Centre for Equality and Human Rights
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.