Tailoring Services and Accessible Communication
Below you will find useful resources and information on tailoring service and accessible communication.
Accessing Member Resources
Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them. If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2053 7630.
Tai Pawb Good Practice Briefings
- Mental Health Wellbeing and Housing (2014)
- Older People – Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments (2014)
- Dementia, Service Provision and Housing Design (2014)
- Tenancy Breakdowns – Equality Considerations (2014)
- Making the most of Hearing (Induction) Loops (2013)
- Getting tenants online to prevent financial exclusion (2013)
- Customer Profiling and Insight – ensuring Equal Outcomes (2012)
- Making information accessible (2012)
- Language communication needs (2010)
- Religion and Belief (2010)
- Gender identity and housing (2010)
- Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) equality and housing (2009)
- Tailoring Services to meet Individual Need (2008)
- Meeting the needs of people from BME communities in supported housing (2006)
- Providing Culturally Sensitive services – Design and Layout (2005)
Tai Pawb Resources
- Evidencing Equal Outcomes in Housing Repairs and Maintenance, A self-assessment toolkit for social landlords in Wales
- Evidencing Equal Outcomes in Customer Care, A self-assessment toolkit for social landlords in Wales
- Evidencing Equal Outcomes in Social Lettings, A self- assessment toolkit for social landlords in Wales
- Protected Characteristic Poster – Bilingual
Presentations from Tai Pawb events:
- Avoiding Data Protection pitfalls when collecting Equality Information – Morgan Cole (2012)
- Symud Ymlaen Moving Forward – Llamau (2016)
- Investment and Inclusion – Own 2 Feet – Bron Afon Community Housing (2016)
- An introduction to Trans Housing needs for Service Providers – Unique Transgender Network (2012)
- Transphobic Hate Crime – All Wales Hate Crime Research Project (2012)
Useful Information
- Tenant insight, A toolkit for landlords (Housemark, Tenant Services Authority and CIH, 2010)
- How to deliver excellent customer service (CIH)
- Customer Profiling – How would you do yours? (Wulvern Housing, 2010)
- The Manchester Community Engagement Toolkit (Manchester City Council)
- BBC Religious Holidays and Festivals: April – June 2016
- Pre-Action Protocol for Possession Claims by Social Landlords (Ministry of Justice)
- Anonymisation: managing data protection risk code of practice (ICO)
- Collecting equality data: Harmonised standards and best practice (Welsh Government, 2013)
- Findings from ICO advisory visits to social housing organisations (Information Commissioner’s Office, 2014)
- Equality Information: A guide for listed public authorities in Wales (EHRC, 2011)
- Citizens Advice – Discrimination in housing – duty to make reasonable adjustments
- ‘How do we define reasonable’ (EHRC)
- Who pays for an adjustments (EHRC)
- Speak my Language: Overcoming language and communication barriers in public services (Auditor General for Wales, 2018)
- Language support: Challenges and benefits for users and providers of health and social care services (Better Health Briefing, 2013)
- Make it Clear (Mencap)
- Clear and Easy: handbook for making written information easy to read and understand for people with a learning disability (Learning Disability Wales and Mencap Cymru)
- Making information accessible for all (EBU)
- Caring for older people with hearing loss (Action on Hearing Loss)
- Deafblindness (Action on Hearing Loss)
- Communication tips for speaking to someone with hearing loss (Action on Hearing Loss)
- Communication tips for speaking to someone with hearing loss (Action on Hearing Loss)
- Accessible Information Guidelines, making information accessible for people with aphasia (Stroke Association)
- Communicating (Alzheimer’s Society)
- Dyslexia Style Guide (British Dyslexia Association)
- How to write in Plain English (Plain English Campaign)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder A Guide for Homelessness Practitioners and Housing Advice Workers (Welsh Government, 2011)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder A Guide to Housing Management for Practitioners and People in Rented Housing (Welsh Government, 2011)
- Supporting people with sensory loss Best-practice guide for housing providers (RNIB Cymru and Action on Hearing Loss)
- Planning for Inclusive Access in Wales. Good practice guidance toolkit (Disability Wales)
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual People in later life (Guasp, Stonewall, 2011)
- Working with older lesbian, gay and bisexual people A Guide for Care and Support Services (Stonewall)
- Housing LIN Resources on Older People – Minority Groups (Housing Lin)
- Why sexual orientation is important for social housing providers (Jeffery and Seager, HQN and Stonewall Housing, 2010)
- Improving the system of services for vulnerable young people: research into an approach to the housing, social care and support needs of young homeless people and young people leaving care in Torfaen (Campbell. and Mackie, 2011)
- Housing and HIV (NAT, 2009)
- Prevention through early intervention – Helping people with mental health problems to find and keep a home (Welsh Government)
- Care and Treatment Planning – A step-by-step guide for secondary mental health users (Hafal)
- Working with older lesbian, gay and bisexual people A Guide for Care and Support Services (Stonewall)
- Transgender Equality Report (House of Commons, Women and Equalities Committee, 2015)
- Trans* Form Cymru Toolkit (Trans* Form Cymru, Youth Cymru, Welsh Government, 2015)
- Tips on how to be a trans ally – Written by the Trans* Form Group
- Inclusivity, Supporting BME Trans People (Sabah Chaudrey, GIRES)
- Changing your name and gender: the data protection implications (Information Commissioner’s Office Blog Post by Steve Wood, 2014)
- Providing Services for Transgender Customers, A guide (Government Equalities Office, Gendered Intelligence, 2015)
- It’s just good care A guide for health staff caring for people who are trans*(NHS centre for Equality and Human Rights)
- Good practice guide: Working with housed Gypsies and Travellers (Shelter, 2008)
- Meeting the needs of Somali residents, Somali Tenants Engagement Project (Tower Hamlets Homes, 2012)
- Drivers of Satisfaction amongst Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) tenants (Housing Corporation, 2008)
Organisations that can provide further information:
- Ageing Well in Wales
- All Wales People First
- List of Local People First Organisations
- Cardiff Institute for the Blind
- North Wales Deaf Association
- West Wales Dyslexia Association
- Time To Change Wales
- Gofal
- Hafal
- Mind
- Youth Cymru
- Ethnic Youth Support Team
- Travelling Ahead
- Prince’s Trust
- Trans* Form (Youth Cymru)
- SEWREC – BME Youth Forum
- LGBT+ Youth Pembrokeshire
- Goodvibes – Swansea LGBT Youth Group
- Viva LGBT Youth
- Unique Transgender Network
- FTM Wales
- Transgender Awareness Wales
- Stonewall Cymru
- Unity Group Wales
- Breaking the Binary
- Swansea LGBT Forum
- Pride Cymru
- Swansea Bay Pride
- North Wales Pride
- Women Connect First
- WEN Wales
- Merched y Wawr
- Women’s Institute
- Muslim Council for Wales
- Ihsaan Social Support Association Wales
- Henna Foundation
- Orthodox Wales
- Hindu Cultural Association (Wales)
- Baha’I Council for Wales
- Buddist Council of Wales
- South Wales Jewish Representative Council
- Cytûn, Churches Together in Wales
- Race Equality First
- Swansea Bay Regional Equality Council
- Race Council Cymru
- Welsh Refugee Council
- Displaced People in Action
- African Community Centre
- Gypsies & Travellers Wales
- Swansea Chinese Community Co-op Centre
- MEWN Cymru
- Romani Cultural and Arts Company
- Polish Community of the Valleys Association
- Gingerbread
Please note the material in this section is for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Tai Pawb is not responsible for the content of external resources.