Tai Pawb Publications

Tai Pawb has produced a number of resources and toolkits to help housing organisations embed equality into their practices, policies, cultures and thinking.

Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit for the Social Housing Setor in Wales

Protected Characteristics Posters

Model Categories Equality Monitoring Form 

Private Sector Information Sheets

Tai Pawb Evidencing Equal Outcomes Toolkits


Accessing Members Resources

Some resources are for Tai Pawb members only and you will need a password to access them.

If you are a Tai Pawb member and need details of the password or copies of documents in a Word version or alternative format please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2105 7957.

Not sure if you’re a member? Check our members list.

  1. December 2005 – Providing culturally sensitive services – design & layout
  2. January 2006 – Meeting the needs of people from BME communities in supported housing
  3. February 2006 – Engaging BME youth
  4. March 2006 – Refurbishment of a hard to let property
  5. May 2006 – Dealing effectively with racial harassment
  6. June 2006 – Race equality in employment
  7. July 2006 – Communicating housing information to refugees and asylum seekers
  8. August 2006 – Gypsies and travellers
  9. September 2006 – Cultural design in mainstream housing
  10. October 2006 – Cultural diversity and your board
  11. November 2006 – Eliminating racial in equality in wales’ housing market
  12. February 2007 – Race equality and procurement
  13. March 2007 – Moving closer towards equality and away from double discrimination – service provision for BME disabled people
  14. May 2007 – The role of ethnicity monitoring in race equality
  15. October 2007 – What is an equality impact assessment?
  16. December 2007 – At home – audit tool for housing and related services for older minority ethnic people
  17. February 2008 – Domestic violence and ethnic minority communities
  18. April 2008 – Tailoring services to meet individual need
  19. June 2008 – Managing diversity – people make the difference
  20. August 2008 – Neighbourhood improvement
  21. October 2008 – ‘Raising the profile’ – housing as a career for people from minority ethnic backgrounds
  22. December 2008 – Financial inclusion and minority ethnic communities
  23. February 2009 – Race equality, mental health and housing
  24. June 2009 – Lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) equality and housing
  25. September 2009 – Age equality
  26. January 2010 – Disability equality and housing
  27. March 2010 – Mainstreaming equalities
  28. May 2010 – Language communication needs
  29. July 2010 – Gender equality in the workplace
  30. August 2010 – Religion and belief
  31. December 2010 – Housing’s role in tackling hate incidents and hate crime
  32. March 2011 – Gender identity and housing
  33. June 2011 – Inspirational community engagement
  34. June 2011 – Creating a fit for purpose equality opportunity policy
  35. August 2011 – The specific duties for wales. The implications for local authorities and housing associations
  36. January 2012 – Equality impact assessments consultation and meaningful engagement
  37. February 2012 – Spotlight on positive action
  38. March 2012 – Discrimination – developments under the equality act 2010
  39. July 2012 – Making information accessible
  40. September 2012 – Equality, welfare reform and you
  41. November 2012 – Customer profiling and insight – ensuring equal outcomes
  42. January 2012 – Housing diversity in the private rented sector
  43. February 2013 – Reasonable adjustments: employment
  44. April 2013 – Making the most of hearing (induction) loops
  45. August 2013 – Board diversity – an idealistic goal or realistic benefit for governance?
  46. October 2013 – Getting tenants online to prevent financial exclusion
  47. November 2013 – Tenancy breakdowns – equality considerations
  48. January 2014 – Equality improvement frameworks and peer review
  49. March 2014 – Dementia, service provision and housing design
  50. June 2014 – Older people – Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Environments
  51. September 2014 – Domestic Abuse Doesn’t Discriminate
  52. November 2014 – Mental Health Well-being and Housing
  53. February 2015 – Housing supply and equality
  54. April 2015 – Embracing equality impact assessments
  55. August 2015 – Health, Housing and Well-being
  56. October 2015 – Equality and Homelessness Prevention
  57. March 2016 – Tenant Scrutiny
  58. August 2016 – Immigration and Housing/Homelessness Eligibility
  59. November 2016 – Customer Profiling
  60. December 2016 – Housing Migrants and Refugees
  61. November 2017 – Shared Housing
  62. April 2018 – Accessible Housing
  63. January 2019 – Equality, Homelessness and Prevention
  64. September 2019 – Widening Access to the PRS
  65. October 2022 – Considering Equality in the Renting Homes Act
  66. November 2022 – Cost of living briefing
  67. January 2024 – Rapid Rehousing and Equality Considerations / January 2024 – Ailgartrefu Cyflym ac ystyriaethau cydraddoldeb
  68. May 2024 – Housing Conditions and Equality / May 2024 – Cyflwr tai a chydraddoldeb

We have produced a protected characteristics poster for Tai Pawb members. This posters is a useful tool to remind staff what the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 are, to prompt questions and increase awareness of the Tai Pawb member helpline:

We have developed a number of tools to assist those working in the social housing sector to carry out Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs):

We have produced model categories equality monitoring forms for service users, staff and board members. A version of the service user form has guidance notes to help you understand why we are recommending the use of certain questions and categories for equality monitoring forms. It has links to national and local data against which you can compare your data (e.g. Census 2011). Although we are using the ‘Service Users’ form as an example some parts of the guidance is relevant to all our model forms.


Recommended categories are likely to change over time in line with best practice and we will update this document accordingly. To check you have the most recent version please contact us on 02920537630 or email helpline@taipawb.org

We have produced information sheets for private sector landlords about their obligation under the Equality Act 2010. One of the sheets provides information on the protected characteristics and the types of prohibited discrimination while the other focuses on reasonable adjustments for disabled people.


This best practice guide provides information on using the procurement process to embed equality and deliver social and community benefits. This guide was produced by Tai Pawb in partnership with Inform 2 Involve, the Chartered Institute for Housing Cymru and Morgan Cole Solicitors.

The aim of this update is to provide social landlords and partners with updated information, guidance and good practice examples on hate crime and housing. This update can be used by housing officers responsible for dealing with hate crime, managers, contractors, as well as other staff.

The aim of this framework is to support housing associations in Wales with board diversity and raising awareness of what boards can do to promote equality and diversity. The framework complements the Come on Board scheme. This framework is a result of the coming together of several Welsh equality and other third sector organisations. The framework lists how each organisation can support your housing association.

Making changes to use more inclusive language allows us to grow and shows compassion and empathy to the people around us; the fact is that we still might not always get it right, but the commitment to learning is how we do better in future.  We also need to remember that inclusive language covers a wide range of communication approaches like emails, social media, websites, imagery and policies and all should be reviewed through an inclusion lens.

To help you on your way we have developed the Inclusive Language Guide that has common words and phrases found in communication and the inclusive replacements, which we hope you find useful so feel free to download and save it to your resources.   However, these are only our suggestions as there are many ways to express something in a more inclusive way, also if there are some we haven’t included that you’d like to see, then drop us a line at info@taipawb.org and we can update it.



If you have any questions about a Tai Pawb publication, require any of the documents in an alternative format or have ideas of other resources we could produce to assist you with your work, please contact helpline@taipawb.org or call 029 2105 7957.

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